Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday-Shampoo day!

Deb's hair has begun to grow back and is about 3/8" -1/2" long. Today she used shampoo for the first time since last spring! Good to have it back!

We rested today so Deb could attend a super bowl party up to the halftime. It was good to get out.

This week has physical therapy on Monday, chemo Tuesday, and an eye exam on Friday. Deb needs a ride Friday morning because Vern has a dental procedure at the same time. Anyone?

Chemo is the last of the worst chemo and next week begins a new 28  day cycle of another chemo. About March 20 we return to Little Rock for testing to see if the cancer is still in remission.
Blessings all!


  1. I could give Deb a ride on Friday. Let me know when & where

  2. I could also Vern.
