Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

As we've thought about the path we trod over the last year, we are amazed and so grateful for the progress Deb has made. Yesterday, Deb was able to spend a few hours at a cookout at the airport. Today Deb and I had lunch with Jon and Amanda. Jon is a grillmeister and produced some exceptional burgers. Stephen joined us and soon we were all Skyping with Trey,Katka and Evelyn in Brussels. Evelyn and Eliana are both learning to make noises and are taking their first steps. They enjoyed seeing each other. Isn't technology wonderful?


  1. Your family is wonderful! Such sweet grandbabies :)

  2. I agree that technology is such a blessing... celebrating Mother's Day together via Skype! Love to both of you! Mary Roberts
