Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ready for transplant tomorrow

Evelyn hopes to meet Deb soon!

Deb and I trudged off into a cold winter-like rain this morning. After labs were processes, we were given a 'go for transplant' tomorrow at 9 am. Hopefully this will be a non-event. However, we've seen enough people have trouble that we respect its possibilities.The bag of chemo was disconnected and so Deb is 'Free at last!'

Deb has had chills and severe nausea yesterday and today. She has slept a lot. She had a craving for Thai soup so I went out to get her some.

The Pear angels have sent us Deb's favorite pears faithfully each trip out here. Today more arrived! Thanks Pear Angels!

Today we visited for a moment with classmates from Iowa. Welcome!


  1. Deb: Great that the transplant is tomorrow, and that you can now go uphill with your healing. Those pares sure look yummy. Sorry it was rainy today; rainy here in SRB, FL, too. Our prayers with you and the Lord's peace and strength go with you and Vern. DebCooky

  2. We all are so excited to meet Evelyn. It's about time we all met each other.
