Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thursday-local Oncologist found!

I lost Deb this morning...I could not find her when I woke up. I checked the hospital bed, both bathrooms, the kitchen, the  sun room. Where was she? Looking more carefully I finally recognized her pate under a pile of blankets and pillows...where else? In the sun room! Just a patch of scalp and everything else completely hidden. Think she loves that room?

Mid morning I left work to pick up Deb for her appointment with the local oncologist. This meeting has been very stressful as we have to coordinate all care with Dr Nair in Little Rock. Fortunately, we were impressed with the staff and doctor. He is familiar with UAMS and treating multiple myeloma. He graciously agreed to work on Deb's care team. Stress level reduced! PTL!

Tomorrow evening is my office party. Deb is going to try to make a shortened appearance. Sunday we head back to Arkansas for testing. Pray for good weather.

Blessings all!


  1. Praise over answered prayers! What a cozy place...that sunroom! Very cute pic!
    Praying for good flying weather! Love, Em

  2. Love the photos of Deb in her sunroom! How great to see a dream/vision brought to reality. Will be praying for a safe flight out and back. Cindy
