Thursday, February 24, 2011

Past Week

"Your numbers are all great and except for the myeloma, you are in great health" were the words the PA gave us this week.  Of course, we were greatly comforted and shared a guffaw with her as those words settled in !  Sort  of like the joke, 'Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?'

Certainly, we are delighted with Deb's continued improvement.

Her beautiful hair is about 3/4" long now and is coming in straight and very dark but not as dark as it was. We take great delight in stroking it: it is so soft.  She has used shampoo several times lately.

Last Saturday our friend Mary Roberts from Jacksonville, FL visited us. Mary was part of the Dr and Mrs Owens gang from the 70's. I took Deb down to Macon in Gracie for a short visit with her mother who lives in a nursing home in Warner Robins. Most small airports have a gas-only clunker one can borrow once you fly in for short trips. No way Deb could have held up for the automobile drive, but 200 is much faster than 55! Amen?

Oscar the dog remains with us. We negotiated a treaty and he no longer barks all night. He sleeps outside our bedroom until I get up to prepare for work. At that time I lift him onto a blanket on Deb's bed and the two of them sleep in until about 10-11am.

Today we received a draft article that will be appearing in a magazine soon. It is about the blessings and value of communications during a sickness. We so appreciate the opportunity to encourage and inform each of you and thank you for being a part of our blog community. Once it it is finalized we will try to post it for you.


  1. I am still enjoying our wonderful visit last Saturday! Thanks to Vern for the delicious sandwiches and YooHoo. Sitting in your new sunroom after seeing it built via the blog and seeing your radiant smile while we caught up on children and friends was such a blessing! I'm wearing the bracelet and sharing the meaning of the beads with co-workers. Love to you both! Mary

  2. So thankful Deb is doing so to read what's going on. You're all in our prayers!
    Kim Green
