Tuesday, March 8, 2011

TV Commercial results: _

Tears! There is a commercial on TV that a cancer group uses to say that they are working hard to give people more birthdays. When Deb saw it and realized that God was about to give her another birthday, she teared up! ( 'Beware the ides of March')

We've come a long ways in the last twelve months. A year ago we were deep in discovery about  this myeloma thing. We were facing the possibility of treatment in Arkansas. Looking back on the blessings we have been showered with the past twelve months is an overwhelming demonstration of God's provision and the love and kindness of each of you. Thanks!

If  Deb is up to it I plan on a leisurely drive to Calloway Gardens this Saturday. We have celebrated many events there. It's a favorite spot for us.

Yesterday two angel friends visited and practiced some craft skills with Deb.

Deb said that four deer napped in the back yard during the day as she napped in the sunroom. She enjoys watching them. It makes me feel good that critters are healthy and feel safe in our yard. Perhaps we will be also.

Today is chemo day. We are beginning to think about our next trip to Arkansas the 20th of the month or so based on weather.

Blessings all!

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