Yesterday a friend reminded me that there had been no posts in a while. He's right! Thanks Paul!
Since we returned from Little Rock, Deb has been on a 28 day cycle of Revlimid, a strong chemo drug. She has the worst reaction to this drug and has not had much of a social life this month. In fact, except for the Tuesday chemo session and me taking her out for a brief Friday night supper, she spent last week in the sun room. What a blessing the sun room has been for her!
Today is another chemo day and we are expecting Deb's blood work to reveal the need to reduce the Revlimid dosage. Her blood counts are really affected and she has very little strength.
FLASH!!!! Just returned from labs. Platelets are at 63. Off Revlimid for a while.Deb has not been in the kitchen very much except to make a sandwich. However, last night when I got home from work, a feast awaited me! Peas, sliced tomatoes,cornbread, and a peach cobbler! Wow! A summer favorite!