Saturday, February 25, 2012

New Experimental Drug + update

Be sure to read the previous post!

Today was the beginning of the new experimental drug. Careful monitoring of all vitals was maintained all day to make sure this new drug did not hurt Deb. We were back in the old haunts where Deb received the post stem cell treatments. MelBel and a number of other nurses called us by name and gave us hugs. It's nice to be in familiar surrounds. The next seat over was the Turkish man and wife I mentioned yesterday. We enjoyed chatting thru their interpreter who is a masters student from Turkey who is studying medical imaging technology.

Deb's white blood count is so low she is vulnerable to infection and an airborne germ is in the hospital, so Deb put on a mask and we are being so careful. That could push her to pneumonia very quickly. Her wound from her biopsy yesterday has hurt all day.

Sunday is a repeat. Monday is a bone marrow in the afternoon and trying to get airborne for home if time and weather allow.

Then back here next Saturday for a repeat.


Done with the Sunday infusion and Deb is still tolerating this drug. They really monitor numbers every :15 mins and said  that they typically do until after the third set of infusions. Must be a reason for this! None of the other drugs needed this.

Speaking of capitals: Little Rock is the capital of Arkansas and I got this shot as we dropped off  a person at the Children's Hospital.

Plan for return: weather is approaching Tuesday here and Weds in Ga. We hope to depart Arkansas after the bone marrow and arrive back in Georgia after dark. A careful weather briefing is determinate.


  1. Wish we were with you guys. You are constantly in our prayers. We love you.

  2. What a blessing cell phones and picture texts are! I sent you a link to the Special Olympics video from the local news station. I will send more pix. Love you both, Mary

  3. Praying that you can "get out of Dodge" ahead of the weather and are safe in your bed before it reaches Peachtree City! Mary R.

  4. I continue to be in awe of your strength. (BOTH of you!!) Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. Praying for "peace that passes all understanding" to guide you and keep you through another step of this journey. I love you guys. — Angela C.

  6. I agree with Libby! Even sitting in a treatment chair, your lovely, warm smile shines right through.
    We are praying that the Lord protects you from those nasty germs!
    Paul and Krissy
