Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Arrhythmia !

An irregular heartbeat is an arrhythmia. Deb's got one to add to her trophy case.

As I said before, classmate Bubba was visiting and telling about the woes of Deb's classmate bud Ima when the transport arrived to take us down for collection. Deb has so much compassion for others, I think it upset her more than I realized.

Deb has been wearing a heart monitor for several days while fighting the pneumonia. It is a remote unit that sends the signal back to a monitoring station in the hospital.

When we got back to the room from collecting, Deb was growing increasingly agitated for no apparent reason. A few things I did to help resettle her back into the room seemed to really set her off. Suddenly three nurses came flying into the room and wanted her to lie down because the heart monitor had reported arrhythmia.They confirmed it with another electronic unit.

Now,several weeks ago a previously unknown murmur had been found. Otherwise,Deb has never had any heart troubles.

Anyway, they wanted Deb in the bed resting for the day. So,I have headed out for the Markham house for a much needed shower,nap, and change of clothes while Deb gets a relaxer pill and rests without my rowdiness for awhile. After supper I'll head back over for another night on the lumpy couch.

When I left, we were scheduled for the other stem cell collection first thing in the am.

I was very fascinated with the machine that was pulling the stem cell collection from Deb's cath. It circulated all her blood 2-3 times thru the unit, and put back what it did not need. It deposited the thick red stem cell material-about a half-cup to my eye-into a blood bag to be sent to the lab for withdrawal and freezing.

We saw Israel. He looked bad today as he came in for a collection. He could hardly walk.

It's an adventure! Thanks for sharing it with us.

Hope to have a better report soon. As usual, you loyal followers will be the first to know.



  1. Shall we call Deb, JOB-et...with restoration down the road! The Grace gang is gone after many hugs! Wish your kids were among them.

    Love, Y

  2. Deb has a BIG heart! For all those who are weak of heart she gives hope and strength! Praying for you today in a special way!

  3. No! I hate that. So glad she was able to get collection today.
    I'm sorry I keep sharing stories about Stuart (I don't get a venue for that often), but i hope it is somewhat encouraging to know that someone else had these same things and made it - it just becomes a blip in the journey.
    IN our first week in the hospital, and our first round of chemo, Stuart's chest starting beating SO hard and fast! He felt winded and anxious. He felt like he was running and he was lying in the bed. We finally told a nurse and she checked his heart rate. It was 200! Needless to say, they started moving fast. A team of heart doctors was in our room in no time at all...and they found an atrial fibrillation. They immediately started talking about "shocking" the heart back into a normal rhythm. They gave him blood thinners so he wouldn't throw a clot, and medicine to slow his heart down. They said they would try and shock the heart chemically before they did the chest "shocks" that you see on TV. Praise God the chemical shock (a medicine put directly into his port that ran to his heart) worked at the very last minute.

    They said it could be the stress or the chemo that caused it.
    Stuart had to be on heart monitors for the next 7 rounds. But no more heart trouble. We can only give God the glory for Stuart being here. His life seemed so fragile in those days.

    I pray that the Lord would touch her heart and make it strong and normal and calm. I pray that he would heal anything that is going on. And I pray that they get ALL the stem cells that they need on this trip and that you do not need to do this again!

    Eliana is coming soon! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!

  4. It is great to hear the the stem cell harvesting is going forward! We'll keep praying that they get what they need and that the Lord continues to give you both strength and grace.
    Love and prayers to you,
    Paul and Kristina

  5. We are Paul's parents and are praying for Deb's strength and healing. We are praying that they get every single stem cell that is needed!
    Safe in His keeping,
    Yvonne and Robert White

  6. Hi Deb,
    We are so glad your first harvesting is done. Praying for you to have renewed strength and a peaceful heart.
    The LORD's unfailing love and mercy still continue, Fresh as the morning, as sure as the sunrise. Lam.3:22-23 (TEV)
    Hugs and prayers,
    ♥Bruce & Daria

  7. Vern,
    Just thought you would like to hear that they have started on the carpath next to the office. They knocked the big pine down and have a bulldozer moving earth. They have put up new screening across the property.
    We miss you at the office and are glad Deb is nearing the day that you two can fly home and let her sleep in her own bed or recliner.
    As always my prayers and God's blessings flow to you both.
