Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hospitalist Dr visit

The Dr just left after telling us that although Deb is doing great, her pneumonia battle will most likely keep us here until sometime next week. We are disappointed because we were mentally packing our bags, but realistically, Deb is extremely weak and cannot stand without a helper beside her. The Dr mentioned that a few days ago they were concerned that she would not be able to collect and she was able.

So, we are very happy at her progress, but will be sooooo glad to be home for a while.

Enjoy your circumstances: they can turn on a dime!



  1. Hooray! Aren't you glad your first major hurdle is over? Great work, Vern & Deb!
    New assignment: rest, recuperate, & relax.
    ♥Bruce & Daria

  2. Great to hear about your progress to the 20 million goal! Keep up the good work and the Faith.

  3. Sorry you can't come home this week, but luckily we are at the end of this week. When the doc says next week, just remind him that Sunday IS next week!

  4. Deb,
    Been running around all day and could not wait and hear how you are doing. Over 12 millon cells 1st try. Way to go Deb. Now, Vern about that much needed rest...How about the care giver!!!!!!!!!!! Could you not rest one night at the hotel and let the nursing staff handle Deb. I know my friend is very weak but they can manage. Just a strong suggestion my friend. Keep up the good no great fight.
    Love and Prayers

  5. Awesome news! Looking forward to your return to Peachtree City

  6. A bit worried, since we didn't get the usual night time post. But just got back from a 7 1/2 marathon shopping for a church event! We live 1 hr from most stores, so I take advantage of being back in civilization, kinda like PTC was 15 years ago.

    VERY relieved that Deb came thru! Thanks for more details re: the stem cell process. Thankfully for most of us, it is a process we know nothing about.

    Keep up the good work...but VERN, you need to REST!!!

    Hugs, Y

  7. Precious Darleys, I feel your disappointment over not being able to head home right away, but I'm thinking the hospital there in Little Rock is a good place to hang around until they get a handle on Deb's pneumonia. My prayers surround you until I can see your sweet faces again in person. We miss you!!!!!!! xOx
