Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday evening at home

Deb had a great day. Because she has lost 40+ pounds and lost >2" height, she needed some clothing items before we return to Arkansas Sunday morning. Amanda took her on a short shopping trip and before long, the new duds were in the bag!

We do not know how long we will be gone. A perfect session might about 3 weeks. But, based on how Deb recovers from the stem cell transplant, we might be there longer. We do not know. Have you ever packed for an indefinite trip like this?

We are doing lot's of laundry and gathering of stuff for our departure. Once again we will look like the Beverly Hillbillies as we again stuff Gracie. Dave is riding out with us to bring Gracie home to her own hangar.

Again today the clinic called to confirm more tests.

Regarding the critters: three squirrels have been continuing to stuff their faces with the seeds. Since the seeds are back on a table, the chipmunk is waiting under the table. All are truly stuffed!

One is lying flat on the ground with legs spread out, tongue hanging out! Truly a gluttonous critter! Bet his tummy is swollen.

Deb and I have had a lot of laughs from these show offs. We also saw the hawk circling overhead. Wonder what he's thinking?

Gotta run. Time to change loads.




  1. read all June tonight. I smiled all the way through. "Seeing Deb smil maade me laugh inside. And now the anxiety. You will face, embrace it ,walk through it for there is no getting out of it, and come throug the other side changed forever by His ''Glory'. Father use the anxiety to draw Deb so close to your breast that she will never be the same. May you have a path between heart and mind that you never knew could be before.If it can bless the children it is worth it all.

    We love you , the Thomps

  2. As you prepare to return I thought of this lovely blog post by Lanier.... The story of her little baby chick Gertie and her mom - Butterfly. I thought it would bless you.....

    "But over every other noise was one shrill, persistent, terrified. The peeping of a chick that was so loud and unremitting that it sounded like ten chicks instead of one. It went on for so long that I got up at length and went to look in at the brooder to make sure everything was alright. And there was Butterfly, waddling around after Gertie, trying in vain to soothe her hysterical baby who was flying about the cage in a senseless elusion. She would draw near and open up a wing and off Gertie would run to the other end of the brooder, as if devoid of all hope of safe haven after such a rude awakening. I watched this performance several times in succession until Butterfly, bleary-eyed if ever a hen could be and doubtless thoroughly tired of this game, walked over and unceremoniously sat upon her charge. The silence was instant and the other animals seemed to settle with it. The next I saw of Gertie was a pair of beady, contented little eyes peering over the edge of Butterfly’s wing.

    It was one of the most beautiful living pictures of the love of God that I have ever seen and He spoke to my heart with it in a way that I will remember to my dying day.

    That’s where I want you, my child. Cease from all your strife and know that I am God. Come under My wing and stay there."

    So as you venture back - I will picture you both there - right under His Wing!!
    Cindy J
