Monday, June 28, 2010

Hospital gift shop item

Several days ago Deb and I were entertained by the gluttonous backyard squirrels. Today we saw this tiny item and had a big laugh!


  1. If you bring a pair home, your squirrel will be the talk of the neighborhood! E

  2. We have been in Europe celebrating Stu's "one year cancer free"! I haven't been able to keep up with the blog, but just read through all of the posts.
    Ms. Darley - I'm sorry you are back. It never seems like long enough at home, does it? And...isn't it amazing how much you start to love YOUR home and YOUR bed and YOUR church and YOUR friends when you spend so much time away from them? It almost feels like vacation when you get to come home.
    Stuart would get very anxious when he had to go back. Scared that the upcoming trip would be a repeat of one of the previous trips...and it never was. Each one was different.
    I read a quote last year that made a HUGE impact on me. It said, "No matter how good or bad life is, it will change..."
    Comforting in the bad times, not so comforting for the good times - but very true.
    It seemed to help me during some rough times to remember that it will change. The pain will not be there forever, the sickness will not be there forever...something will change.

    Mr. Darley - I hope you found some renewal while at home. Friends and some sense of normalcy (even just going to the grocery) always gave me hope and helped me see past the current situation.

    Praying for you both. I am so sorry you are having to go through this, but I trust that the Lord WILL use it for something good.

  3. Sounds like your squirrel at home might need the extra large size!! Isn't it wonderful how God gives us unexpected chances to show that "a merry heart does good like a medicine." Mary Roberts
