Trey,Katka,and Evelyn have been at the Atlanta Airport over 24 hours due to the snow/ice storm. Last night they were within a few minutes of takeoff after a lengthy de-icing. The new law charging the airline $30,000 per passenger after 4 hours on the ramp kicked in and the plane taxied back in, let them off for a few minutes, then re-boarded and taxied back out to get back in the de-ice line. When the pilots ran out of on-duty time, the plane taxied back in and they spent the night in the terminal on the floor. Today a new flight to Paris was guaranteed. Now, at 6:30 pm, they have been taken off the plane and told the flight is cancelled and they must re-book and claim their mountain of baggage, go thru customs again, and the airline has no further responsibility.
So, the roads are iced over, they are stuck at the terminal, there are no close-by hotel rooms, and so there...
Pray for clarity of thought and a way to get them the place and rest they need.
So, let me share pix from this past week.
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