Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Takeoff for Brussels! Finally!!!!

www.flightaware.com Enter Delta 124. Watch it cross the pond.

Trey, Katka, and Evelyn got caught in the ice storm and ended up at the 'Hartsfield Hotel' for over 50 hours. They got a few blankets and made a pallet and a 'tent' between chairs so they could have some night time privacy.

Praise God for getting them on their way!


Text from Trey at 4:44am Ga time- "we're here, bags and all"

So greatful for the visit and sorry Georgia hospitality was 'icey.'


Because of the ice, the chemo clinic did not open. Today we must reschedule. Deb is doing great!

1 comment:

  1. Debbie doing great...is that relative...or great by our standards...Hope it is the later...
