Friday, May 20, 2011


With all the pix and descriptions of life on this blog since returning from our adventures in Arkansas, one might get the idea that Deb's life is comfy and easy and cancer no longer a concern. Nothing could be further from the truth. Deb's cancer-multiple myeloma-is incurable but treatable. Her's remains in remission but can come surging back at any time. We must be vigilant!

She has had a hard two weeks.

Overall, Deb has been improving and gaining capabilities and quality of life. But, we hit a speed bump when she did her 28 day cycle switch of chemo. She developed a strong reaction to the new chemo. Her throat swelled, she could not swallow, had trouble breathing, she developed a fever,etc. She was ordered to stop that chemo. After some consultations with our local and Arkansas docs, we now have a reduced strength chemo on hand. We are waiting to determine how to resume the cycles.

The med is very carefully controlled. We have to get monthly counseling about it and answer surveys.

Deb has been very tired and not felt as strong as before. She spends most of her time in the sun room resting. She enjoys her crafts as much as she can. Oscar the dog is good company.

Every Tuesday Deb has her chemo. She starts sliding downhill after chemo and starts perking up by Monday just in time to go get more chemo.

We keep hearing of friends who have discovering cancer. We are surrounded by the terrible disease. Please support research and fund raising efforts.

This week we touched base with some Arkansas classmates. We are like old war vets, having 'fought' together in the trenches of myeloma. Most seem to be getting along OK.


  1. Thank you so much for the update! We must not become complacent and assume that all is well and the cancer is licked. Continuing to pray.
    Love to both of you! Mary Roberts

  2. You don't hear from me much but I do stop by here for updates and Deb and your family are always in my prayers. I know it's hard... praying for perseverance and that you sense God's hand on your lives through this difficult journey.
    Kim Green

  3. We do pray for you both! I don't think any of us have not have their lives altered by cancer. Most of us are well aware that cancer will always be a sniper hiding in ones body...long after the original treatments. The grandkids picture only assure us that God has provided a loving reprieve for the both of you.
    I so enjoy them, along with agonizing with you in the hard rejoice with you for the joys in your life.
