Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thursday am

Today is the test analysis and processing day. Those results will be presented to us tomorrow morning. That's when we find out if there is a change in our treatment plan and schedule. Of course, our desire is to stay on the original 3 months at home / 1 week in Arkansas routine.

Yesterday we got a phone call for a long-time friend who was brokenhearted in telling us that his wife had been diagnosed with cancer. I identified so much with his pain as he grappled with the news. It is a helpless feeling. I prayed with him and tried to encourage him as a fellow caregiver.

A fellow classmate has published a small hardback book on his battle with Multiple Myeloma called Rebirth in Little Rock by Victor R. McLean of Montgomery, Alabama. Deb and I read it and it pretty much describes our lives the last few years. If you are a seeking information about Multiple Myeloma or treatment here in Little Rock, his book is a very concise narrative on what lies ahead. His 87 pages summarize our parallel experience without you have to read our huge (over 6" thick when printed out) blog with its rambling style and intermingled family stories.

The special MRI yesterday, which we found out is a new procedure to determine the bone's marrow-making ability and health, did not take so long and allowed us time to take a ride in the country.

Northwest of Little Rock along the Arkansas River is somewhat mountainous with trout streams and beautiful scenery. South of Little Rock is where we headed yesterday. In only a few moments we entered typical Georgia-looking piney woods. Deb felt right at home since she grew up in South Georgia where pines abound. Afterwards we had a rare event for our time in Arkansas...we went to a movie!

This time out of the hospital/Markham House environment has a purpose..stress reduction! Nothing like a little fresh air and new scenery to help one 'cool their jets!'


  1. Crossing my fingers like mad and hoping for the best!

  2. Well, I guess this is the way you comment!!!!! I did not see this box when searching earlier. I am a slow learner! (see my comment under "thursday am")

  3. I'm headed to bed where I will lift our concerns before The Great Physician. I am remaining hopeful about the test results tomorrow. May God be glorified and Deb be held safe in His arms. I know this is a challenging time for you both. I'm thankful for the magical moments you've shared together this trip and praying for miracles to be revealed tomorrow. Surrounding you with lots of love and many prayers as you hear the results of all the tests. God bless you both and give you supernatural peace and strength.
