Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday: Back in Arkansas

Our original plan was to fly out late Thursday afternoon. As I was getting ready for work this morning, I took a close look at the weather and realized the forecast had changed. The clear skies had changes ahead. I woke Deb and told her to get her bag packed because the schedule had to change.

'Time to spare; Go by air!'

The winds were forecast to become a 35 knot (41mph) crosswind. That exceeds the safe limits for Gracie. Additionally, some thunderstorms were drifting into our flight path. Turbulence was increasing. Everything pointed to a morning trip.

Our launch was aided by a group of friends who helped get Gracie loaded and prayed for our trip. We so appreciate not being alone in our life-journey! Thanks angels!

Even with our 10:15 takeoff, these threatening clouds gave us moderate turbulence and a 75 mph headwind! The trip took well over three hours. Deb is now a seasoned light plane flier and napped, read, and played with her iPhone. She is a trooper! When she gets a bad bump,  she just snugs her lap belt and presses on.

When we arrived, LWC was sitting there ready to take us and our bags. Thanks Car angels!

Suddenly Deb's meds kicked in and she had to eat NOW. Otherwise she would digest her own tummy. To avoid that fate, I took her to our favorite veggie place, Loca Luna. After that we went to our hotel and she dived into bed for a mandatory nap.

Later  the phone rang and it was our realtor telling us that progress was being made towards a snag in the condo association issue that was delaying our closing on Darley-West.

Still, I reminded her that my grandmother always encouraged us to not count our chickens until they actually hatched!

On another note, I like to always have a backup plan. Since I must get Deb to Arkansas every week, possibly for the rest of her life, and knowing that Gracie is just a machine, albeit a good one, I started upgrading our 2 seat plane, Redbird about 3-4 years ago. With the disappearance of my spare time, Redbird has languished in the hangar for several years. Some Plane Angels sensed my need and frustration and have gotten Redbird to the point now that she can be used as a backup to Gracie, if needed. Thanks Plane Angels!

I've had the pleasure of some test flights. Here is what is called the 'RV Grin'. (Both Redbird and Gracie are designed by a man who calls them RV's) See and for details.

Deb is scheduled for a 7 am infusion of the experimental drug, Carfilzomib. Saturday, same thing plus a six hour $10,000 booster for her immune system. She will be pretty much done for on Saturday so we plan on returning home Sunday morning so we can get ready to do it all over again next weekend! So, please pray for our endurance and strength and wisdom. Also for the Lord's will concerning the condo closing.

We are so grateful for his abundant provision and blessings among which you, dear readers, are treasured blessings to us!


  1. Vern and deb,

    Praying for you as always. The pictures from.the plane are wonderful. We will be in synagogue tomorrow. Safe travels!

    Needle family

  2. Thank you so much for your posts. I appreciate all of the details and how God is so faithful. Love, Mary R.

  3. Deb & Vern...It's so amazing to read these posts and hear your ongoing positives and praises and faith. You are both in my prayers, and you are both heros.
