Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunday-Numbers Going Up!

Kathie and Rick joined us in the clinic waiting area. Note that Ga Bulldog shirt ! Kathie was super brave to enter the 'hostile' Arkansas 'Hog' territory. Kathie's father lives in Macon, GA and used to hang out at the Darley family home airport-Herbert Smart Airport. Vern's family members probably knew him back in the day.

We parked next to a Bibb County Georgia car today in the parking deck.

Deb left with another bag full of infusers-phosphorus, potassium, and antibiotics-which we started right after lunch-out at Frankie's Cafeteria! Yes- Deb's white count was high enough today to go into a public place! She was so happy to take her mask off.

Plan is to continue getting labs and infusers as needed and get on the test schedule so there will be max info for the doctor to look at as he maps out the road ahead for us. Hopefully all that will occur early this week.

1 comment:

  1. The small steps forward rate a high five!! Love, Mary
