Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tuesday-'Buzz' + News

The chemo has been doing a job on Deb's hair. Her pillow has had as much hair as her head. Her clothes were covered. So, being very brave, she had me take her to a walk-in hair cuttery after we left the clinic. The gal first started buzzing with a number 4 cutting guide. Deb stopped her and said cut it closer. Here she is modeling her new doo.

Deb was born with thick straight hair best styled in a precision cut. After the last chemo, it came back soft and curly. So, any bets on how it will come back this time?

Today was supposed to be a 'see the doc at 10am, then go home.' It turned out to be a long hard day and the doc we were scheduled to see did not show so we got to see a new doc. Then we were sent over for labs because in order to remove a line, the platelets have to be 50. The nurses seriously doubted that Deb could muster a 50 based on where they were yesterday. They ordered matched platelets so they could give her the IV so the line could be pulled. They gave Deb the pre-meds for the IV. We waited. And waited. Eventually at about quitting time the labs came back and Deb's platelets were..exactly 50!

So, out came the central PIC line! Cleared to come home! PTL!

So, how does the staff get meds from the pharmacy to the twelve floors of the Rockefeller Building?
With a computerized dumbwaiter system! It automatically shuffles the bins of drugs off at the correct floor. Cool, huh?

A local artist has made this large glass artwork as an inspiration for patients. Miniature versions are available as a fund raiser.

So, Gracie the plane is in Peachtree City. Darleys are in Arkansas. So, pilot angel Dave flies in from Central America about 1 pm tomorrow, drives to Peachtree City, then flies 2.5 hours west to pick us up. Thanks pilot angel Dave!

We got a schedule today. It's not what we were expecting. We have to be back in Arkansas late Monday afternoon to begin the testing that Dr van Rhee will need Thursday afternoon to guide Deb in  the next step of treatment.

Our desire would be to get back on a maintenance chemo schedule in Georgia with periodic checkups in Arkansas. The scheduler at the clinic is contacting other patients to try to get a trade so we do not have to be back until later next week.



  1. Know you will be happy to be back in Georgia.
    Have a safe trip.
    We love you.
    David & Linda

  2. God moves His angels all around to get you back to GA! Enjoy being back home. Love, Mary

  3. Praying for traveling mercies! I know you'll be happy to be at home!
    Michelle P.
