Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Old dog learning new tricks!!

Today is a fun day for me. I am sore from the procedures yesterday, but Amanda is teaching me about blogging. Stephen left this afternoon to visit Trey and Katka in Brussels for a couple of weeks. Dear friends gave Stephen "buddy passes" so he could go help Trey with final preparations for the new baby. He had mixed emotions about going since there is so much still unknown about me. However, I am so happy he's going to be with them for a couple of weeks. Who knows he may be there when little Evelyn is born!! Beth Sterne, a dear friend from college days, was visiting her father in Griffin and came by for a visit. She and her family live in Washington, DC. Our families have been friends forever and I haven't seen her in a long time. It was a bittersweet time since she had no idea of our current adventure. We were able to pray together and catch up. Such joy!!

I am so grateful for all the acts of kindness! We have had visits, meals, housecleaning and shopping trips...flowers, cards, calls, countless prayers and endless mercies of which I have no idea. I appreciate all your acts of love.


  1. How quickly life can change!

    A few days ago, we were helping Deb thru a suspected back injury with all sorts of treatments. All of a sudden, the 'C' word!

    Where did that curve ball come from ?

    I've found that all thru life, the big events, the disasters,the emergencies, the temptations, have all come on suddenly: turn a corner and there they are ! Face to face with it.

    The other observation I have is that when I don't know where I'm going, it is important to have a guide or a map, and it is encouraging to have friends along on the journey with us.

    Fortunately, we have all three.

    Thanks friends!

  2. A favorite song...

    There's a lot of pain
    Gogfrey Birtill

    There's a lot of pain but a lot more healing
    There's a lot of trouble but a lot more peace
    There's a lot of hate but a lot more loving
    There's a lot of sin but a lot more grace

    Oh outrageous grace Oh outrageous grace
    Love unfurled by heaven's hand
    Oh outrageous grace Oh outrageous grace
    Through my Jesus I can stand

    There's a lot of fear but a lot more freedom
    There's a lot of darkness but a lot more light
    There's a lot of cloud but a lot more vision
    There's a lot of perishing but a lot more life

    There's an enemy
    that seeks to kill what it can't control
    It twists and turns
    Making mountains out of molehills
    But I will call upon the lord
    Who is worthy of praise
    I turn to Him and I am saved
