Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Waiting, waiting, waiting

Our appointment with Dr. Carr to get the results of the bone marrow biospy is tomorrow at 11:20. Needless to say I am anxiously hopeful. My dear friend, Cassy, spent the day with me and I am soooo grateful. I fear the day would have never passed had I been alone. We talked and planned ways to help me in my wonderful little lift chair. She has made it so much easier for me to have everything I need easily reachable. She cleaned and organized and answered the phone all day. Late in the afternoon Gary Franklin came by for a visit and prayer. I cannot say how grateful I am to have had cheerful company as I spent this day. I am sure there will be many more "waiting days" but this was a pleasant first spending it with dear, loving friends. (It still would be wonderful to awaken and find this a dream.) Please pray and I will, of course, share the results and the plans that seem to follow. Good night!! Deb


  1. The waiting days....we know what these are like! They can be excruciating and are certainly helped by good friends. Praying as tomorrow comes. Praying for God's comfort and presence and healing.
    Candace and Stuart

  2. Hi Deb,
    I was so sorry to hear about your illness. You have so much going on in your life right now waiting for grandbabies to arrive, caring for your mom, and now dealing with your own health. I have been reading a lot about multiple myeloma and it seems that a great deal of progress has been made in treating it. The more I read, the more I am encouraged. So count me in as an ally in the fight to restoring your health. I am willing to do whatever it takes (beginning with prayer)to get you healthy again. If you need blood or any blood components, I have B+ blood, and among my co-workers, church contacts, and Emmaus family, I should be able to get whatever blood type you need. You have a wonderful support team in your family, friends, and church family. A support network plays a key role in treating illness. So bask in our love and prayers, and allow us to shower you with affection and attention. Help us by letting us know what you need---groceries, clean laundry, hugs, phone calls, visits, or anything you can thing of. We don't want to intrude, but we love you and want to be helpful. You are being bathed in prayers daily. Keep us updated on your progress. Love, Daria and Bruce

  3. Deb and family,

    I'm praying for you. "The process of waiting for a message from God is just as important as the message itself. Faith in God's Word is necessary to hear from God and clearly discern His voice." Keep the faith! I pray God does this for you.

    Doris Dye

  4. Deb and family,

    I just heard via my mom about your illness. I haven't seen you in a long time, but I remember your cheerful smile and wonderful laugh so well. Know that we're thinking of you and praying for you during this difficult journey. I'm glad you started this blog.

    --Laurie (Blanton) Pierce

  5. I was very sad when I heard of your illness and the pain you were/are in .I feel you have already had your share of illness but know you are surrounded with love,family and friends. I have experienced first hand what selfless help looks like-it looks like "Cass!" I am so glad you two are friends and am happy you have good news today! Nathaniel Ian and I are praying for you.

  6. I forgot to give credit for these quotes to Priscilla Shirer from Discerning the Voice of God. Sorry!.......doris
