Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bummer days!

Since we got home Saturday, Deb's cold has been getting worse and worse. Yesterday Dr York decided not to give the normal chemo, but instead, gave a powerful anti-biotic.

Deb coughed, 'fevered', and hacked night and day. Last night she only slept until 1:30 am when she gave up and went to the sunroom to sit up.

Daughter Amanda is on baby watch! We are expecting a grandson in the next few weeks. Of course, Deb wants to be part of this baby's arrival instead of being in Arkansas.

So, now you know how to pray! Thanks!


  1. I'll keep Deb in my prayers...and you, too.

    A new grandbaby is exciting :) :)

    Greetings from the ocean shores of California, Heather ;)

  2. Praying for relief and healing + safe arrival of strong (and naturally!) handsome grandson.

    May your Christmas be filled with what HE treasures and gives to you in HIS love and care.
    Mike and Jorie

  3. Praying that you will be in GA for the arrival of your newest grandbaby! Mary Roberts
