Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tuesday-a down day, except for Mail!

Before we left for the clinic this morning, I checked the mail. The box was full! Deb was thrilled! Thanks, mail angels! This is exceedingly rare! Normally its a few per week.

Yesterday was an up-day. This morning Deb's 'woozy meter' was creeping up towards 'needs help.' In fact, I had trouble waking her.

A few words of explanation please: In Atlanta we have a weather man whose name is Mellish, He includes in his forecasts what kind of day to expect on the 'Mellish-meter.' One day a group of us homebuilt airplane builders were talking about our planes, equipment, and an upcoming flight. An Atlanta area pilot mentioned that it looked like a nine on the Mellish-meter. A non-Atlanta pilot became very interested and said he would like a Mellish-meter in his airplane and asked what it did. We roared!

Moving forward, Deb and I communicate her mobility and alertness in funny ways. We talk about her 'Woozy-meter' to describe her stability.  We also use the third person to describe how she's doing. I say 'what's she want for supper?' Deb reply's 'She's not hungry,' etc.

Weird, huh? More of our secrets!

We visited with young classmates from upstate NY this morning. We used to do labs together at the Markham House. He is a teacher in High School and is sweating out getting back in time for the new year.


This morning Deb's labs indicated she needed platelets, infusers, etc. What seemed like a short day  turned into TWO trips to the chemo clinic. There is a shortage of platelets and Deb's are matched. So, I brought her home, fed her lunch, and waited until the Red Cross could locate platelets. She got in a nap. I got in a load of laundry. Finally about 2:30 they found some. So, back we went. Pre-meds are required and all that takes a while.

When we parked the second time we bumped into one of Deb's favorite nurses from the past two years who had been out on baby leave. We enjoyed meeting her children. Look at that head of hair!

When we went back we sat across from a couple from Perry, Ga.-Connie and George Potter. They are friends and neighbors of a Peach grower I used to do business with, Chop Evans. They have been coming here since 2001.

So, Rate Deb's Woozy-meter reading on the two pixs above-morning vs afternoon. See how good you are. Answer: call me!

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