Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Weds-started as a 6 on the Woozy Meter, ended... an 8! 

We went into the clinic early. Deb needed cold tastes to counter her metallic tastes and hot feeling. We bought a gallon of Chick-fil-a lemonade which we ice down and cut 50% with cold water. That seems to be the perfect coolant for Deb.

Deb's taste buds change from day to day. It's a challenge to keep her fed, so I keep a variety on hand. For lunch she had to have some guacamole and apple pie. For supper I gave her a 4 oz ribeye, a baked potato, and green beans. Later tonight she gets a cup of ice cream.

The shortest patient, Deb, has the tallest APN today. It's a real effort for the APN to check Deb's heart.
Here the APN is explaining the lab results. 

Because Deb is so prone to pneumonia they check her lungs often. Today there was some raspiness in her lobes so Deb gets a lung treatment in the morning before we start at the chemo clinic.

The labs today showed that Deb is still very neutrapenic and also needed a blood transfusion. She had been woozy while walking and mentally confused at times. However, due to the blood shortage I had time to bring her home for a two hour nap before taking her back for the blood. Afterwards, she was physically even more woozy but clearheaded.


1 comment:

  1. Love your updates.
    Praying the Woozy Meter is low tomorrow.
    Praying for a good night's rest for both of you.
    Love & hugs,
