Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday-Woozy Meter = 7.5 today

 Today the APN was telling us the reason for the anti-fungal drug that was given via IV over two hours. She said that many of the worst symptoms encountered in cancer patients are caused by fungal infections. They try very hard to prevent them in patients who are approaching neutrapenia, like Deb.
The meds had Deb feeling like she had the flu and she slept much of the day wrapped up like a mommy-mummy.

Yesterday we visited in the waiting area with a man who had lost 75 pounds because of a fungal infection in his esophagus. He said it was too painful to eat.

The nurses are so kind to Deb! They try so hard to be gentle with the numerous sticks she must endure. Deb always had such a fear of needles. No more! Fearless!

Peggy, one of the senior APN's drops by for a visit. Deb is treated like a friend by the older APNs. The younger nurses are always respectful when they find out Deb is a HS Math teacher. Many of them had troubles with math and Deb gets to hear their stories.

Our cluster neighbor today was a couple who just came in from Venezuela. They had very little English and my Spanish is even less. Even so, we commiserated.

Our son Trey who lives in Belgium has been waiting to hear about the selection for the Killer cell test. He is coming to Arkansas tomorrow to visit Deb before returning home.

We had hunkered down the past few nights while hurricane Isaac passed overhead. I was very concerned about Deb getting soaked going and coming and had purchased good rain gear for her. She did not get get wet!

Better to be over-prepared than sorry!

Amanda is coming to be the donor for Deb on Sept 9th. Angels Julie and Dave are in charge of her transport. Thanks angels!

It is a holiday weekend for many of you. All days are the same in the cancer business. The hospital is much like any other business: only essential business happens on weekends and holidays. Food is scarce with only one small snack bar for the whole campus.

So, next time you drive by a hospital or nursing home, please remember that it may be your day off, but for those in the rooms, it is their life. Anything you can do to bring cheer or hope? Remember: you may be living there in a surprising and sudden time frame.

Blessings!  Be sure to read  the previous several posts to understand what lies ahead for Deb.

1 comment:

  1. Well, things sound as though they are moving forward. I will keep Amanda in my prayers. Leaving husband and children,travel,and an interesting medical procedure! I'm sure she is honored to do this for her mom! I love the pictures that you posted of callaway. It looks like you had a very special day :)
