Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Weds-Back to Dr van Rhee-Schedule

Today was Deb's last day 'on the bag.'  Hooray!!!  The chemo pumps with their three foot tubes intertwined within her clothing, the alarms going off when she would roll over in her sleep and cut off the pump, the weight and inconvenience of carrying it everywhere just a foot away from Deb at all times. So good its gone for a while.

When we got to the clinic Deb was doing fine in the waiting area. When she was called back into the clinic she paused and started to pass out. I grabbed her before she fell. A clerk grabbed a desk chair on wheels and we rolled her in. It was obvious she needed fluids to raise her blood pressure. The chemo was kicking in and hitting her hard.

After the bag was removed and the meds given, we hurried over to our appointment with Dr van Rhee. Of course, we missed lunch while waiting. Dr van Rhee was seeing a new patient just before us so we understood the long appointment because we remember how we felt on day one.

Deb stretched out on the exam table and rested until Dr van Rhee and his associate doctor from Taiwan came in. As Dr van Rhee came in, he said 'it's your daughter!' Meaning that Amanda's blood tests showed her to be the best candidate for the test.

As he came in the door Deb blurted out 'How will I be doing after this Natural Killer Cell test is over? ' In his finest Dutch accent, Dr van Rhee laughed and said 'we don't know because you are the guinea pig.' He did a physical exam then hit the written reports to make sure of his plan for Deb.

The good doctor took a good while to review the timeline for Deb's treatment via the Natural Killer Cell protocol. He answered our questions. Here is his plan:

Sept 9-Amanda travels to Arkansas
Sept 10-Amanda enrolled and tested. Line installed in her neck.
Sept 13-Amanda's blood circulated thru a machine to pull out the cells needed. Blood sent to Baylor for expansion and selection.
Sept 14-Amanda dismissed and going home
Sept 17-Deb enrolled and tested.
Sept 25-Deb gets Velcade
Sept 28-Deb gets Velcade
Oct 2-Deb gets Velcade
Oct 4-Deb infused with the multiplied cells from Baylor
         -Deb-2-3 weeks of daily labs and recovery . Interflucan II treatments to super-activate the Natural Killer Cells.
Cancer gone, or enter another experimental program.

After he concluded his time with us he sent us back to the chemo clinic for a dose of a powerful chemo-melphalan. The bad side affect is that it burns the mouth and intestines, so ice and cold drinks must be taken continuously before and after taking it.

The reason for it was to help get Deb through the coming weeks prior to the Natural Killer Cells. Because Deb's cancer is so aggressive, she can't go long without something combating the cancer. It could get out of control.

Now, the entire Myeloma Clinic offices are moving from it's building to the 8th floor of the Rockefeller building where the myeloma clinic is. So, we expect some bedlam, but the schedule is determined by the blood expansion and lab time at Baylor. Dr van Rhee gave us his personal cell number so we will not get lost in the shuffle.

All the processes will be done out-patient. That means no hospitalization unless needed. Many institutions would be doing the typical treatments deb gets here in-patient (in the hospital).


Prayer Specific Requests:
>Deb's descent into neutrapenia and partial recovery before the procedure
>Amanda's childcare issues
>Amanda's transportation
>Trey's visit to Arkansas before returning to Europe -this Saturday thru Tuesday


If you've seen the news, you know there has been a hurricane headed our way. Arkansas is expecting huge rains and winds. I took Deb by a store to buy her some rain gear because I do not want her to get soaked later this week. I also stocked up on some groceries. Hopefully, the storm will be a non-event if we are prepared for it.



  1. Thanks for the encouraging news about Amanda match. I will be praying for her as they work out the details for the children while she is there in Arkansas. Also praying that Issac fizzles out before Arkansas! Love, Mary

  2. Our love and prayers are with you all.
    David and Linda

  3. We are praying for all the items mentioned above! We continue to believe God Is is our new favorite song. Google it if you haven't heard it yet. With love and prayers, Joy and Mark
