Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday-More blood needed

Normally we show the doctors and nurses who actually touch Deb. However, there are many more who serve out of sight but who are just as important in Deb's treatment. Carla is a pharmacist who has helped us many times since we have been at UAMS. She is always encouraging and offers a kind word. Thanks Carla!

This morning while waiting we visited with new classmates from Dallas. Donn is a retired Delta pilot so we've enjoyed talking flying. Patti grew up near Jacksonville and used to attend the same Methodist camp at St Simons, Ga. that Deb attended and loves. They started this adventure about a month ago.

We have met new classmates from Austria and Miami. Our Turkish friends are back and were delighted to visit with us.

Deb was somewhat woozy when she awakened. I can tell what kind of day she will have when she first gets up. There are days when I have to assist her with getting ready and dressing. Other days she is totally functional. This morning was a 'help me' day.

Her labs showed that she needed whole red blood and minerals. As her lesions and bones heal, many minerals are used to rebuild the bones. Deb has a fine collection of pills and fizzies to help her.

Even though her white count is now above neutrapenia, she did not feel like going out or eating out, but she was hungry. For supper I made her a salad, a baked potato, and some of Vern's famous Tilapia which she loves. For breakfast she will probably have some left over tilapia. She really does enjoy it, especially cold.

Speaking of cold, the blood was very cold. I had to cocoon Deb in warmed blankets while she got the blood over an hour's time. She got in a good nap.

We have worked out a 'Mommy-Mummy' technique of maximizing the blankets.

Our children received blood sample kits from the clinic today. They will get samples processed next week to see if one of them can be a stem cell donor if Deb pursues the Killer Cell treatment.

Blessings all!. Enjoy your weekend. Our's is just another day in the clinic. All days are the same here.


  1. Praying for Deb ... and you, too, Vern!

  2. You look a little like the Flying Nun with the wimple like towel! I love the Mommy Mummy blanket wrap. Continuing to pray for you both. Love, Mary
