Monday, August 13, 2012

Home Sweet Home!

We arrived just before dark Monday night and we were so grateful that the car started, there was a parking spot for Redbird, and the storms over Atlanta that had closed Atlanta Airport had passed over Peachtree City!

We stopped by a restaurant for takeout and ran into friends. Deb was so tuckered from her long hard day!

Kristin, Dr van Rhee's APN nurse
The morning began with Deb on a Woozy Meter of 6-7. Labs confirmed that she needed an IV before she could see the APN for release to come home. We finally got away with a return to clinic date of 22 August afternoon labs and 23 August visit with Dr van Rhee to nail down our next step.

The waiting room

While waiting in the waiting room Deb ran into a nice lady who knits caps for sick children here. Deb is interested in all sorts of crafts.
Two crafty women

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you are home safe and sound. I followed your trip home on the website and saw that there was lots of green weather on the screen. Prayed for you! Love, Mary
