Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Weds-WBC climbs slightly

Deb's white blood count crept up slightly indicating that her body is beginning to rebuild her immune system. She was in the clinic this morning when I noticed a red rash beginning on the right side of her face and growing under her chin and up the left side. I pointed it out to the nurse who called the APN. She determined that the infuser of antibiotics we used at 1:30 am was most likely the cause. The Woozy meter continued to climb.

When it was time to go across the campus to finish the upper body vein/blood clot test, we had to take the golf cart service. By the time we got there, Deb's Woozy Meter had hit a 9 and I had to put her in a wheel chair. The staff let her nap in a bed until and during test time. I wheeled her back toward the car in a wheel chair and when she got home she had a another nice nap.

We have another five hour infuser going and then back to the clinic at 9 am.

The little refrigerator has failed again and I had to ice down our food in two ice chests. A repairman is coming tomorrow afternoon.

The temperature on our back patio read 116 degrees when we got home.



  1. Praying that tomorrow will continue with an upward climb on the white blood count so you can get to Target before too long! Mary

  2. We are agreeing with Mary in prayer that the white blood count goes up and Deb's woozy meter goes down! Praying for cooler weather for you all too!! Mark and Joy
