Friday, August 24, 2012

Dr van Rhee to Deb: 'Bottom Line..You are in trouble'

Dr van Rhee to Deb: 'Bottom Line..You are in trouble

With a sober look, Dr van Rhee said those words to us today. He went through all the various treatments and meds Deb has taken and listed potential future treatments. He said Deb had had very hefty treatments yet the cancer remains.

Deb's heart has been weakened and we have a new MUGA heart test next week to determine where it stands.

We had a 10 am appointment and we left the room after 1 pm. A second doctor was with us as well as our APN Kristen.

Although Deb had not wanted to participate in the NK Protocol {Natural Killer Cell} test until more people had been though it, Dr van Rhee said it was Deb's best hope for now. I asked if his wife were sitting in Deb's position would he still recommend it? He said 'absolutely'.

This involves testing our children's blood and selecting the best match. Then that adult child would come to Little Rock for a week. They would take a special physical and then have a Quinton line installed in their neck. Their blood would be circulated through a special machine which would separate out certain cells. Then the blood would be flown to Baylor University Medical School where it would go through a process to multiply the cells. Then a special selection of the NK cells would be done. Meanwhile, Deb would go through a process to destroy her immune system so that when she receives the NK cells, they would become her new immune system. Each cell would kill off about 4 cancer cells. Later, special drug which will stimulate the NK cells to multiply again. Within a week Deb would either be in remission or have had no affect. If no affect, then other experimental treatments could be used.

Dr van Rhee said Deb is 'entering uncharted waters.'

Because Deb's cancer grew during the two weeks at home, we start a new round of chemo starting tomorrow.  We had to order in some Thalomid pills. I do not talk money much, but these 28 pills cost over $8,000! Can you believe it?

So, tomorrow Deb gets a bag with infusion pumps and begins 24/7  infusion of  VRD PACE.
We had to pick up some meds from the UAMS Pharmacy and our angel Pharmacist Carla helped us. Thanks Carla!

This afternoon Deb had an EKG. She will be doing lots of tests in the coming weeks.

So, in summary, Deb's cancer has continued growing. She starts interim chemo tomorrow. Our children's blood is being tested. One of them will give cells to be treated and injected into Deb.

The schedule for all of this has been established.
>An adult child will be here the week of Sept 10th. Child collection will be Sept 13
>Deb will be entered into the NK Program on Sept 17 with a consult and enrollment
>Deb will receive NK cells Oct 4th

Bless us all!


  1. Thank you so much for keeping the rest of us up to date on your progress. I have a good feeling on the Natural Killer Cell approach. We are all rooting for you.

  2. Praying fervently for all of you! I am thankful for your wonderful medical team there. Love, Mary

  3. Deb & Vern,
    You are in our hearts and prayers,
    Much Love,
    David & Linda

  4. I know this isn't what we all wanted to hear, but God is faithful. We love you and are cheering you on. Both you, dad as cheerful caregiver and mom as a strong warrior. You have faced so much and I am grateful you are fighting on. I love you and pray for remission.

  5. Deb & Vern,

    Thank you Vern for keeping us all updated. This was not the news we were all hoping for, but we can all draw strength from knowing God is with us throughout life's journey. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers daily.

    Lisa Collins

  6. Praying that God will strengthen you both for this journey. That He will encourage you and show Himself strong on your behalf. We love you! Jim and Doris

  7. Deb & Vern,
    Such bittersweet feelings today as I read thru this latest report. Sunday we were able to celebrate Christal's baptism & Jorie and i reflected on how much you two have been a part of her life's journey (from early teen years with Trey and the youth group, to her first marriage to Kevin O., and then so many of the turbulent years that followed), so we s-o-o-o-o-o wished you could have been here to share this joyous experience together. And, then in reflecting on the difficult decision (wisdom needed moment by moment) you again are facing, our hearts cry out to the Lord: "Lord, hear our prayer and have mercy on Debbie and Vern. Your will, not ours, be done in their lives." We know we want what HE wants for you and for us, but we DO have our preferences, too. We would prefer you to be healed, totally and completely, sis.

    So, we just wanted to say again: "We are for you, we are with you. We love you." And, we pray that HIS light, love, and grace will keep coming in ways that are clear to you as you step into each day with 'yet another decision, another approach'....
    Much love,

    Mike & Jorie

  8. Praying for you both!

    Ash Zook

  9. Have been out of touch but thanks to Mike S I am now aware of your situation. Diane and I will pray for you both. Our heart goes out to you both as you go through these extremely hard times. May you feel God's peace and presence in all the days ahead.
    Dennis & Diane Bailey

  10. When you pass through the water, I will be with you, and through rivers, they will not overflow you...Since you are precious in My sight... and I love you... Isaiah 43:2-4 Oh, Deb, I am crying out to Jesus for your healing and recovery. Even through your suffering, He shines through you! Kay Rew

  11. Vern and Deb

    So good to chat with you last night. Your upbeat spirit in the face of this grim news encourages MY spirit. Many are praying, know that for sure. And I am looking forward to another visit with Trey today or tomorrow, if circumstances permit. Love you both.

    Chuck B

  12. Vern and Debbie

    My prayers for God's mercy and provision continue as you journey through these waters. As you walk trough the valley of the shadow of death your father is with you.

  13. Praying for you both! Shawn & Colleen Anderson
