Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thursday - WBC coming up + Stepping out!

Deb was in the clinic about 10 am. It took about 1.5 hours to get labs drawn, get a shot, and consult with the APN (Advanced Practice Nurse). White blood count was above the neutrapenia limit, so she was good to meet the public. APN Peggy was happy with the lab trends and said it looked like it was time to see the doctor. Later she emailed us that we have a 10 am Monday appointment with Dr van Rhee.

 It 'feels' like a parole hearing! Will we be 'released?'

Then the question is, 'what's next?'

So, if Dr van Rhee sends us home, we will be flying Redbird home as soon as weather allows. Probably Tuesday morning.


After we left the clinic we headed home where the refrigerator repairman was waiting. One warranty repair later, things were cool with us!


Then, the much awaited trip out. Deb was so happy and sooooo grateful to be able to go into a store. We picked up a few needed items in Ross and then went into a craft store. Ten minutes in there and Deb was ready to get home and get a nap. She is still very weak.

That's all the news from here!

Blessings all!


  1. I hope Target is next!! So glad the WBC count is rising and you are able to get out. Love, Mary

  2. We had a 20% chance of rain today as I look out my window and see it pouring. Wish I could send some to the middle of he country. Shopping and WBC^ ...what a positive day. Blessings and Love, David & Linda
