Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thursday-Tests scheduled

Nurse Edith pulls blood samples for a possible infection. Multiple tubes of blood are quickly obtained thru the use of vacuum within a test tube. Edith was telling us about the old days when it was all done with a large needle. What a blessing modern technology is!

Deb had a Pentamadine treatment today before we saw Edith.

Deb is still neutrapenic but the APN thinks she is beginning to come up. She has a bad case of cabin fever and wants so badly to go somewhere besides home and the hospital. I keep pointing to her dangerously low white count and telling her 'maybe tomorrow.'  But, Target is calling!

Besides the daily labs and support meds she will need this week, we start the tests that will reveal the results of this course of treatment.  So, tomorrow Deb has a pet Scan at 4 pm looking for tumor imaging. Saturday she has an MRI of her bone marrow blood supply. Sunday she gets another MRI looking at her head and face. A doctors appointment to reveal these results will probably be soon. Then, its decision time . What will be next?

Blessings all!


  1. Praying that the white count continues to rise so that Target is on the schedule in the near future! Love, Mary

  2. We are all praying for you and Deb and the choices you will be making. I know God will lead you where you need to be the way he did when he sent you to Arkansas.
