Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tuesday-More chemo + Lung tests

Today was day four of the chemo bag with its two pumps and the three foot tubes interwoven thru Deb's clothing and into her left arm. Therefore, no showers! Bet there will be one tomorrow after the bag comes off!

Deb's labs are still pretty good although her white blood counts are headed down as the chemo destroys her immune system and she becomes neutrapenic. We expect that in a few days.

After a short nap after the morning treatments, we headed back for a test of Deb's lung functions. Deb dreads these tests more than most any others.

Before I got Deb up this morning I prepped a beef stew and left it cooking in the crockpot. When we got home after 5 pm, the condo had that delicious smell.

Trey's blood samples arrived and were processed this morning. Within 24-36 hours we should know which adult child will be the best donor for Deb.

After supper Deb went straight to bed. She is so tired!



  1. Okay, I wrote a post but I don't think it "stuck". If you get two...sorry :)
    As I was saying, I read your posts almost daily. Thanks for the updates and for the pictures. Deb looks as beautiful as ever. Tell her that I LOVE her hat! We will keep your family in our prayers.

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