Saturday, May 29, 2010

Be not afraid!

Although I posted the facts, please do not react in fear, no matter how they sound. This blog is meant to give the latest accurate information, and how Deb and I are emoting and observing. We desire that those like us who are prayer people pray intelligent targeted prayers, not generalized 'bless me Lord' prayers. (although we won't turn those down in addition) We are trying to operate from faith, not fear.

So, as this battle wages, just like in all battles, there will be ebbs and flows; successes and failures. I just am trying to share them. But, fear or sensationalism is NOT a goal.



  1. I don't think you could possibly over sensaionalize your turbulent life right now! What you do, do is make us feel apart of what you are both going thru...for that I am thankful. We don't feel so remote from you, even though we are many miles apart.

    Sending up prayers on your behalf minute by minute all day is what you both need and get from us.

    Love, Yvonne & Ed

    PS. It's OK to be fearful..welcome to the human race!

  2. What can separate us from God's love?
    Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
    You are both in good hands.
