Tuesday, May 11, 2010

'The Plan'

Dr Nair outlined our plan based on tests and data available so far,subject to change.

Initial treatment approx 6 months until probable remission

Consisting of 5 cycles of 3-4 weeks and 2 stem cell transplants. Three -four week breaks at home.

Today began an induction chemo cycle of 7 primary chemo drugs. 5 are by IV and 2 by mouth. Their affects should last about 3 weeks. We have labs everyday.Then we will have a stem cell collection.Then we come home and have a break.

The next cycles give a transplant of stem cells twice.then we enter a maintenance time with initial 3 month interval returns to Little Rock for tests.If those work,we go to checks every 6 months,then Annual,and eventually every three years.

That's the big plan summarized,subject to change.

Gene arrays are done to give precise data about how each med impacts the cancer cells.

Deb's case is higher risk,but Dr Nair said aggressive treatments usually give the same positive results as lower risk disease gives. They do not use staging here since they rely so much on gene analysis,but if they did,Deb would be a stage two case on the international scale.

So,that's the course we are on,



  1. I know you are pleased to have a plan, more information, and a goal. You are both in our hearts and prayers as you navigate this path. More importantly, you won't be alone. He walks with you and talks with you, along life's narrow way. (From one of my favorite hymns!) Please know that so many are lifting you up and are here if you should need anything.

  2. This is powerful walking through this with you on a blog. Feel it in my stomach and eyes. Could that be a form of prayer. I think so. Harold and I are with you two.

    Mary T.

  3. Deb, you have been front and center on my mind and in my heart today. I'm so thankful for these updates. I know today must have been very difficult. My prayers continue to surround you and Vern.

    The color blue of that jacket you had on in the photo is YOUR COLOR!! You look tired but BEAUTIFUL!! I love you! Rolling up my sleeves to pray for you all day tomorrow, too, sweet friend. xOx

  4. Deband Vern, Sounds like Ark. is an innovative center. It is good to know you have a plan and have begun....our thoughts and prayers are with you. Love, David and Linda.

  5. Hi Vern & Deb,
    So much information. So much to do and so much to keep up with. I am so thankful that Vern is a pilot. He is organized and accustomed to following checklists. Looks like those skills are coming in handy.
    I remember when I was in Oklahoma City in 1975 going through the FAA Academy for Air Traffic Control. You two came out to visit me while Vern was out there taking his A&P mechanic course. You guys have always tag-teamed to get through the complicated stuff. And you've always been good at it. You make a pretty good team.
    Lots of love and prayers,
    Bruce & Daria ♥
