Monday, May 31, 2010

Monday Afternoon

Hope your holiday has gone ok.

Deb seems to be making steady progress. Her temp has been normal all day. The Dr was positive in her remarks. Although they had been trying to avoid steroids, the Dr said she had to have some.
Tomorrow they start the count to see when Deb is ready for the stem cell collection. That seems like good news to us.

I took a break and went to the hotel to shower and get some clean clothes. I got Chris to drop me at a Mexican restaurant for a much needed hot meal. I am so tired of the little hospital snack bar...especially on a holiday weekend. On the way back we collected some more classmates. Israel had his first collection yesterday and only got 2.8 million cells.He was very disappointed. We dropped him off for a second collection.His son David went home to NYC. The ladies from the Bahamas are doing well.Their insurance company actually required them to have a caregiver.

Iva is still in the hospital. She has been here over a week.The Thai family is still being cared for. Their grand daughter who is 32 complained that she has a poor social life here. Everyone thinks she is twelve. Of couse hanging out with 85 yr old grandparents is not so cool for a big social scene of 30's.

Deb says God has been with us thru every setback and will continue to carry us thru..Thanks for your prayers because there are times we are not able to pray for ourselves.


1 comment:

  1. Deb and Vern, I'm reminded of a verse from Daniel Whittle's hymn that says,

    I know not what of good or ill
    May be reserved for me,
    Of weary ways or golden days
    Before His face I see.

    But I know whom I have believed,
    And am persuaded that He is able
    To keep that which I’ve committed
    Unto Him against that day.

    None of us knows what He has in store for us, and we all are left to wonder at times why, in His sovereignty, he takes us through the valleys that He does. All we can do is cling to what . . . and whom we know. And know this, that the folks that have showered you with cards and notes (physical and virtual)truly love you and are continually before the throne of His grace, imploring Him to bring healing to you and to enable you to feel His comfort and His peace and His love as never before. Let me know what else we can do to fulfill the command of Gal. 6:2. We love you.

    J.H. and Jamie
