Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday evening:

I'm trying to feed Deb fresh organic foods,especially while she is nutropenic. Today I cooked fresh boiled potatoes, squash with onion and red pepper, and more Tilapia. Food has to be washed carefully and peeled. Ever scrub down a watermelon before cutting it? I am trying to be so careful.

Wiki def=Neutropenia (adjective neutropenic), from Latin prefix neutro- (neither, for neutral staining) and Greek suffix -πενία (deficiency) is a hematological disorder characterized by an abnormally low number of neutrophils, the most important type of white blood cell, in the blood. Neutrophils usually make up 50-70% of circulating white blood cells and serve as the primary defense against infections by destroying bacteria in the blood. Hence, patients with neutropenia are more susceptible to bacterial infections and, without prompt medical attention, the condition may become life-threatening (neutropenic sepsis).

What's her blood doing? Todays' white blood cell count was 0.12. Her CRP was 30.5 (Normal range is 0-10 mg/L)

There was a lady on the bus whose white count was 0.1 Some people actually get to zero. Because of this, Deb is miserable and very weak and fragile. She continues to lose weight. She is noticeably more delicate and feeble.Her energy level is very low.

A classmate lady is from Austria and the first time I saw her, I thought she was a teenager because she's so petite. Turns out she's 42. She is having a lot of trouble with the treatments and is unable to have the stem cell transplants.They have her on a customized plan.

We are so tired of being here! We will be so happy when we can come home.The plan we are on is to see Deb's blood levels hit nadir {see} and then start up. At that point there is a Doctor whose job is to monitor numbers and call us in for a port change,then at least two days of capturing stem cells. Then we get to come home for a few weeks. Then come back and repeat all we've done so far.

After that, come back for the transplants of the stem cells, come home, live happily ever after. At least that's our prayer!

Blessings all!



  1. Dear Vern and Deb, Is the Tiliapia becoming extinct?

    Why are we reading this......because.....we...LOVE....YOU.

  2. Reading this and remembering . . . The ways God showed up in tangible ways when we went through this walk. I remember when harold couldn.t eat and I was frantic. Found fresh oysters not far from the house. he had oyster stew till he was oystered out. finally all I had was God.

    Need to remind ourselves of what we all have in common and how easy it is to get into the suburbenite overstimulated by this and that mode where we lose one another and most importantly the simplicity of depending upon God.

    why read this . . .because we remember all the hours you sat around your kitchen table and with Trey sending out envelops for the ministry. you didn't have the time but you did it anyway. what a ministry. Could we ever forget that!! And then the silent way Vern took the responsibilities of elder at the church. You both shouldered that responsibilty. Thank you. but even more because I met Deb between the pimentos and the seasoning at Publix where we had a spicy heart to heart connecting talk. And who could forget Vern's exression as he announced to me about the coming grandchild. He shone.

    And now there is a Dr., a nurse, and Israel all a part of the story you are willing to share. then there are comments as the Gillespies that touched my heart.

    The Thomps
