Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Master Plan

I have in my hand a copy of our 'master plan of treatment.' It's written in medical code. The weeks will vary based on Deb's recovery and is certainly not in stone. But, it is least a plan. We enter phase 3 as of now I think.

It has six phases.

1-Induction Phase
2-Transplant-1 (3-8 weeks post induction)
3-Inter-transplant #1 (6-12 weeks post transplant 1)
4-Inter-transplant #2 (6-12 weeks post inter-transplant 1)
5-transplant-2 (6-12 weeks post inter-transplant 2)
6-Maintenance year 1 (4-12 weeks transplant 2)
-Maintenance year 2 and 3

Each phase has the meds listed

1 comment:

  1. Hi Vern & Deb,
    Tick tock, tick tock. Time seems to trickle by when you are waiting for relief and healing. We are holding your hands in our thoughts and prayers as you hold Deb's hand. We are waiting and praying along with you, wishing we could comfort you in some way. With a casserole or pie (usually giving food makes me feel like I'm nurturing your spirit for some reason). We all want to make it better because we love you both. So imagine us wrapping our arms around you, holding you, and praying with you as we all wait together.
    ♥Bruce & Daria
