Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thursday afternoon-FDA comments

Well,while Deb was napping they called me from the hotel and said another lady was being taken to Kroger and did I want to go.So,off I went.The lady,caregiver of another classmate and I agreed on a rendezvous point so we could call the hotel van once for this trip,which is miles opposite the hospital pickups.

Did the shopping,called the van,both of us loaded up.She is an oriental lady with a British accent. She started discussing her job which is as an international business consultant. Then she talked about her husband's job: 33 years with the FDA. Then she started in on the Chinese. She claimed that because they were a godless society,they had no basis for business morality so therefore they worshipped money. She said quality,health,safety issues were never considered among Chinese manufacturers and that she and her husband always read origin of product labels so they could avoid Chinese meds,foods, and medical products. She had such strong views I asked what her ethnic background was. She said Singapore with advanced degree from the UK.

Now Deb is settled in her chair in 7C and is about to start a saline iv. Her white blood count is same as yesterday: .02 . Deb's CRP has begun creeping up and she has a low-grade fever. She is very weak but cheerful under the circumstances.


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