Sunday, December 26, 2010

In Memorium: Gwen

Gwen passed away on Christmas Eve. Had she lived another day, she and Harold would have been married 48 years. Deb and Gwen had mirrored medical conditions, infections, meds,etc. They lived next door to us. I talked to Harold today and he is busy making final arrangements in Tennessee. He asked for prayer in learning to live in the loneliness ahead without Gwen. They are believers and have the hope of eternity.


  1. Praying for Harold....and you grieve Gwen's passing.
    Love, Em

  2. I am very sorry to hear about Gwen. I know that there will be difficult days ahead for Harold.

    I am encouraged by the joyful photos and many smiles sharing good times with family over Christmas. The love of Christ shines on your faces. Happy New Year,

