Deb's teeth have suffered just as her spine and bones have. This evil cancer loves to eat away at bones. Because we are in a week between chemo and testing she was able to get in for a major dental exam Friday. Even a cleaning is not permitted because her immune system might not be able to handle the release of bacteria in her mouth should she get a cleaning. So, we wait until she's stronger. But at least there was nothing to be alarmed over.
Likewise, the chemo has affected Deb's hearing and the action of her hearing aids. They are not of any use right now. Also, the glasses are not very helpful. So, other than not chewing, hearing, or seeing, she's doing fine! Just kidding!
Friday night our airplane club, The Falcon RV Squadron, held its 2010 Christmas party at a members castle in Newnan. George and Linda were fabulous hosts. Deb was able to eat and visit for a short while before leaving early.
Today Vern washed laundry, paid bills, gassed up Gracie, bought groceries, and did a list full of chores. Amanda brought Eliana to visit and on Monday, Trey and Katka are bringing Evelyn Sky Darley, III to see us! Yeah!
Oh my gracious! What a sweet photo - is Eliana looking up at a Christmas tree? I cannot wait to see the pictures of the two "E's" together with their grandparents! Charge up those camera batteries....