Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day 0-Liftoff! Procedure complete!

(L  to R) Nadine, Deb, Kristen, Dr Waheeb
Click Pix to enlarge

 Bottom line first: Procedure completed and Deb is resting. No issues at this time other than the insurance issue requiring Vern to give painful belly shots @ $7,000 or nurses give @ $40,000.

Just got the news! Nadine went to bat for us and got a written confirmation that the insurance approved the shots to be given by nurses! Man, is Deb relieved !!!  ;)

We were told yesterday to take our time and not to come to clinic before 10:30 am since it takes 5 hours to get the cells ready for infusion. So, we had a leisurely breakfast and quiet morning until the phone rang urging us to get in clinic ASAP for required labs.

So, off with a mighty roar we went into clinic...and waited.  Finally, we were given the invite to start the weigh-in process, temps, and blood pressures sitting and standing.

Then, off to our private treatment room. More waiting...

Emily was our nurse today and she had the table laid out with test tubes for all the blood she was to draw. There were 10 yellow tubes for Dr van Rhee's lab, and 5 for the normal labs. Then some big tubes for other tests.
Number 5 and 6 share tips

Natural Killer Cell recipient number 5, Dr Laroque, was in for the last time before heading home to Florida for a month. He came over and gave Deb some more tips.

Cell Delivery

Then nurse Emily got the message from Dr Fox that she was heading over with the cells. A lab tech came with her. Shortly thereafter Dr Waheeb showed up. They checked out Deb and soon APNs Kristen and Nadine arrived at the party. All in a 10 x 12 foot room with Deb in bed in the middle of it! What a party!

The cells were delivered in a standard lunch box. They look off-white and resemble platelets. They left UAMS bight red.
The Precious Cells

Dr Fox reported that Amanda's cells had tested at 99% viability after arriving from Baylor. Before they left Baylor a complete analysis on the cells was done. When the cells arrived here, the tests were repeated and compared. You can never be too careful!

While we were waiting, Dr Waheeb expressed interest in this blog after Kristen mentioned it to her. I had my computer with me and showed her some pages and how the photos enlarge when clicked. She noted the title  'It's all About the Blood' and I commented to her that thousands of years ago the Bible said 'the life is in the blood.' Dr Waheeb was excited and said, 'yes! The life IS in the blood!'

Amanda's collected cells made 248 ml of Killer Cells which were expanded at Baylor to 352 ml of expanded Killer Cells. Dr Waheeb said that there are three locations in the US that can process cells like this.

I asked some layman questions and was told by the doctors that the cells were active and we should expect excellent results! Good enough for the layman in me!

After the cells arrived, a process of checking cell and patient identification was done by the doctors, then the APN's. Then APN Nadine hooked up the bag of precious cells and the infusion began.
Nadine prepping Deb for the cells

Nadine monitoring the infusion she has just hooked up to Deb

So, 2 doctors and 2 APNs watched over Deb as she received the cells.  At 1:20 it was completed. No problems!

Deb is asleep because of meds given and must be observed for three hours. She will get the belly shot before we leave. It can produce painful belly and flu-like symptoms. We will be ready tonight for possible fever also.
Volunteers are so important in helping patients. Thanks!

Back home, it was pot pies and exhaustion! Monitor temps every 3 hours and show up at 07:30 am tomorrow.

Praise God!


  1. Praise God is right! Praying for you all day today and our 242 group joined hands and prayed for you last night. Love ya!

  2. Wow! What an adventure!!!! I'm praying for you guys!!!! Love you!

  3. Prayed for you many times today!! Cindy J.

  4. Wonderful news! Looking good, Deb. Prayers still flowing from here.
    Love, Bruce and Daria
