Monday, October 1, 2012

Day -3 : Met NKC # 5

This is Deb visiting with Bob, "number 5", the fifth patient to undergo the Natural Killer Cell procedure. Bob is the one Dr van Rhee ran around excitedly describing 'the highest concentration of Natural Killer Cells he'd ever seen' in his blood after his infusion of the expanded cells.

Bob was on his last post-infusion shot and was so hyperactive he was pacing around the hallway. He couldn't wait to get a few weeks at home in his Tampa home. After he had the shot, Bob left.

Bob came in to chat with Deb several times. He had tips to share with Deb. Bob was a Green Beret in the Viet Nam theater. He feels certain that agent orange exposure caused his myeloma. He recalled following bulldozers through the jungle which had just been defoliated by aerial spraying. He said the dust was flying in that area.

He said the shots Deb must endure for 13 days after infusion are painful and leave large knots in the stomach where they are given. Nurses had previously told us they apply ice before the shot and give it very slowly. He also warned Deb that he had hallucinations and crazy dreams. All in all, we were super encouraged!

For Deb, it was day-3. Thursday she gets the infusion of cells. The difference between Bob and Deb is that Bob received his own cells. Dr van Rhee surmised that Deb should do even better since she had outside cells from Amanda. We'll know soon!

The meds and chemo have kept Deb very drowsy with poor appetite.  This chemo is different than most of what she has had in the past. It has not been as bad as anticipated but it's not over either!

When chemo is given, two nurses must approve. They ask Deb name and birthday. They cross check numbers and make sure they have their correct med and person.

Tomorrow Deb has a lung treatment followed by more chemo.

1 comment:

  1. Y'all are just amazing! Your attitudes are such a wonderful testament to your faith in God! Just got caught up on your blog after being out of town a few days. Praying hard for success on Thurs.! Love, Doris
