Sunday, October 7, 2012

Day +3-Sunday-Exciting Conversation

There are many unsung heros who help Deb. Today we met two of them. Joshua and Suzanne. Suzanne is the head of Dr van Rhee's 9th floor lab and Joshua works for her as a tech. As you know, Deb is in an experimental medical test and the labs are a big part of gathering data. Today our labs took longer than normal so Joshua came downstairs to Deb's room to find out what was going on. There was a problem with the tubes used to collect blood, so he called his boss for advice. She came down. We got to meet them both and ask questions. Note that it is a Sunday but they were both here to get Deb's tests done. Thanks Lab Angels!

So, here's some unofficial encouraging news: Suzanne says it will be day 5 before there is an absolute measurable result, but in her opinion, Amanda's cells are out-performing number five's...which had Dr van Rhee excited. So, we hope she is correct but will know for sure in a few days!

Since I was president of the HS Science Club, and later a chemistry major in college, I asked if I could possibly get a lab tour. Suzanne said sure, how about right then? Deb jumped in as said 'No,wait till I can go too!' So, that's the plan!

After they left, Deb and I rejoiced at our good news and having met more members of the team.

Deb needs both platelets and Red blood. Only one blood product per day without certain meds, so platelets today, reds tomorrow!

We had enjoyable chats with several classmates. We enjoy those conversations so much as we trade experiences and status updates.

Deb was a 7.5  on the Woozy meter, so she was glad to have assistance getting home and in bed for a nap. She is not able to have any steroids, so the meds normally used to help overcome symptoms are not available.

Tomorrow starts again at 07:30 am. Tuesday is a bone marrow test. Thursday we see Dr van Rhee.
So, it should be an informative and interesting week.

Deb was starving by the time we got home. I made her a special fruit salad. Deb is so neutrapenic, she eats only food I prepare. So, fresh fruits and veggies are only what can be peeled  and washed in antiseptic soap first. I peeled a fresh apple, a gourmet pear, and a fresh banana. I chopped them into small cubes. Then I mixed a small amount of dressings-2 teaspoons of mayo and one of honey. She loved it!  Raisins and nuts would have been good also but they could not be used because of no peeling or washing!

White Count-below 2 is neutrapenic and indicates Deb's vulnerability for infection.
-a whitish colored component of blood. Low platelets=higher Woozy factor!
-An indicator of relative health. Lower is better. When the number creeps up, Deb could be getting sick.
Day  White Count  Platelets  CRP

0         0.04               29              12.8
1         0.07               15              77.0
2         0.03               42            140.3
3         0.07               27            144.1


6:30 am Mon update-Fevers all night up to 102

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS on the great news today!!! My family and I pray for you daily. Deb you continue to be an inspiration to all who come in contact with you and your story.
