Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday - Vern -Dr van Rhee

Celebration of Deb's Life
Saturday, Dec 8, 2012
11am EST
Grace Evangelical Church
164 Flat Creek Trail
Fayetteville, GA
I have a yellow pad with a 'to do ' list on it. I checked many items off today.

I went by my workplace and greeted all the folks there who have supported us so well. Then off to the post office to claim 6 weeks of mail. The clerk could not lift the tub. It was full of bills and so I must get to them. There were some hefty ones from UAMS to put on the stack. Then to the banks to catch up on banking. Then the airport to pay some overdue fees there and check in with some friends.

After lunch with Trey, Amanda, and some friends, it was planning the service with our pastor. We spent several healing hours doing that. We have a long family history together.

Amanda revealed a secret we had not known. Seems like Amanda was hired to baby sit pastor Gary's daughter. A nasty dirty diaper happened and Amanda realized she would have to change it. She also remembered that I had brought an old army gas mask home for the kids. She decided that would be useful in dealing with this diaper issue, so she put it on. When she returned to the pastors baby, it scared her so badly, Amanda had to quickly remove it. We roared! Pastor Gary said tongue -in -cheek that event would explain a lot about his daughter.  ;)

Then across the street to tell the new neighbors about Deb.

Finally, I drove to see my parents who live in Morrow. They are 80 and 87. I took them to a cafeteria fort supper. It was the first time I had seen them since July.

Finally, home. . . . then my phone rang. It was Dr van Rhee calling to check on us. How special! We had a marvelous conversation which I so appreciate!

So, hopefully we will have a full night's sleep.

Special prayer request> Trey's wife and baby Katka and Evelyn have been sick there in Brussels. They had planned to fly in Thursday. Pray for wisdom to discern if they are well enough to travel, and for healing. We so hope they can come so the whole family can celebrate Deb together but understand if they can't.



  1. I'll be in SC with my Mom Saturday helping care for her, so I'll only be there in spirit. I will be wearing the special necklace Deb made for me during our time at MHS. She picked the stones especially for me to help me through tough times. I cherish it!

  2. Vern, is there a foundation that you would like for us to donate to in lieu of flowers in Deb's memory? If so, please let us know if you have an opportunity.
