Saturday, December 15, 2012

Saturday-lonely around here! +UAMS

Today is one week since Deb's Celebration. Last Saturday was a full day being surrounded by friends and family. Today has been very quiet and lonely.

I got up very early and began cleaning out Deb's old medicines, toiletries, a school supplies, etc. Everywhere I turn I am reminded of Deb and her interests and talents. For example, she once found a bunch of feathers which she promptly turned into an attractive arrangement in a vase. She visioned the arrangement: all I could see was feathers!  Deb had an artist's eye!

Most of the flower arrangements from last Saturday are now gone. I cleaned out the frig since after a week things were beginning to, in Deb's vernacular, 'go blinky!'

This week I dealt with notifications of Deb's death with Social Security and the Ga Teachers Retirement so they can halt Deb's payments. Still things to do like change property titles, etc.

Plans are to fly into Little Rock Sunday night with a friend and spend the night at the condo. A friend there will pick us up and drive us up to the North Little Rock airport to get LWC. Then we will drive to the condo and probably visit an excellent Mexican restaurant around the corner from the condo. Monday morning we will pick up the uHaul between 7-8 am and load her up. Then we will hook LWC to a tow rig and begin the 2 day drive home.

Deb picked out new furniture for the condo and I plan on replacing the old stuff at the Georgia house with Deb's selection which she so enjoyed picking out and living with in Arkansas. Over the years she wanted new stuff in Georgia but due to my frugal nature, she made do mostly with early attic. I have a tinge of guilt over not doing better for her. Another tinge overcomes me as I think that now only I will enjoy the new stuff: sorry Debs.

There may not be a post for several days as I might be hindered during travel. If so, check back Tuesday or so!  I sometimes feel like Deb and I created a living 'soap opera with our saga and some of you have become addicts of our adventure. If you are, know that it means so much for me to be able to join a conversation and recognize that you have read these words and are 'up to date' on our happenings. To me is this is more than a curiosity on your part: I take it as a demonstration of love and support. I can emote with this blog in ways I cannot do by conversation. Can you 'read' my tears?

Thank you!

Blessings all!

P.S. Just picked up the mail and found cards from UAMS indicating receipt of gifts in Deb's honor. Thanks, donors! Gotta find a cure so YOU and YOURS don't have to go thru this.

UAMS Myeloma Institute for Research and Therapy


  1. I am honored to be a "supporter" through this blog and have tears with you as you describe this journey.

  2. Vern,
    This blog has been so wonderfully written ---with sensitivity, special care for detail, but most of all-for revealing Deb's and your hearts. Your journey of faith and love continues, bro. Thank you for sharing. Have been praying for you, the kids, and grandkids through these special weeks of journeying with Deb. Pray that you will continue to blog--you are an excellent writer! and that you will have strength and peace for these days of sorting and returning the furniture, et. al. to PTC.

  3. Keep writing! Praying for you and the kids!

  4. Please keep blogging. We want to share this next part of your journey with you and know how to support you. This gives
    us the opportunity to walk with you through this new and foreign place in your life. Mary

  5. I enjoy reading your blog so much and hope you keep writing. You and Deb have been an inspiration to us as we walk closely in your footsteps. Deb has already been a part in saving my husband 's life. He recently had Carfilzomib which helped him tremendously. Thanks Deb!
    Fellow classmates!

  6. Yes, it was a living soap opera. But it meant a lot to us fellow MM patients - for education and inspiration. Your efforts at documenting her journey have meant a lot to all of us.
    David F

  7. Vern,
    We are with you as you make this part of the journey.
    Thanks for including us.
    Hope all goes well and you have safe trip bak to Georgia.
    Blessings and Love,
    David & Linda

  8. Vern, I am so glad you keep writing. It is helping me to know you better and how to keep praying, and it is helping me walk through my own sadness. It is very sweet to have glimpes of various aspects of Deb's life and your life together that I never knew. It may be healing for you, but it is also healing for your friends. Thank you, jan

  9. Vern, Our prayers are with you. If writing helps you get through this, write on. We are honored that you can share with us what the 'real' feelings are.
    Margie (Ken) Price

  10. Vern, thanks for pointing me to your November 23rd post. I enjoyed reading about how you and Deb met.

    Safe travels to LR. Allen
