Saturday, June 5, 2010

Dr Nair visits in the hospital

Based on the latest lab results, 90 percent of cancer cells have been killed.PTL!!!!!!!!

Two issues to resolve prior to hospital release:
1-breathing and pneumonia remnants in lower right lung lobe
2-stabilizing heart

Both are improving. A new heart med is helping heart.Continuing meds, and lung exercises,and rehab are helping 2

So, the plan seems to be early next week release from hospital.Home for 2-3 weeks, return for repeat.

Para influenza and a bacterial infection were the cause of the pneumonia

There will be a total of five rounds of chemo before we are graduates of the program.

Although Deb has had significant weight loss, we would recommend Jenny Craig over chemo.



  1. AWESOME news!!!!! doesn't get any better than that!

    Eddie goes back to Children's hospital in Liverpool next week, for another brain surgery on a child. He works with awesome people there, much like you are meeting there. Thank God for dedicated people!

    Hugs, Y

  2. We're all so glad to hear Deb is doing well! Our thoughts are with you both as we leave the heat of Tucson to venture north towards Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming.

    As my 2.5 year old says, "Aaaaaaaaaamen".


  3. Awesome!! We will continue to pray for everything!!

  4. Georgia on my Mind....the breathing and heart will continue to strenghthen and improve...We aare so grateful for your focus on healing and your great are alight to us even as you go through this... God's Love shines through you.... Love, David and Linda
