Saturday, June 19, 2010

Miracle week-Saturday afternoon

Deb is asleep in her electric recliner after a short trip with me mid-morning. Before sunrise, I ran out to the hangar for some much desired sunrise-flying, leaving her snoozing. I really enjoyed seeing the sun come up and watching the fog over the lakes and rivers; people starting their days.

I had committed a terrible mistake by not filling a pain med prescription on Thursday as planned and when the pharmacy opened, had to make amends. I cut it too close! It's a bad deal to make a mistake that hurts someone else!

Deb wanted to ride in the car with me, so off we went. By the time we got back she was ready for a nap. The at-home chemo-thialomide- has kicked in and the energy she had at the beginning of the week has waned. That chemo is the same drug that left many deformed babies in the '50-60's. Used by pregnant women, it had horrible effects on babies. Used by cancer patients, it has horrible effects on cancer cells!

This has been a hopeful-miracle-week.

>Deb slept in her bed flat-like everyone else- all week
>Deb started easing around the house slowly without her walker
>The sleep talk has eased
>Deb has been alert and able to do more for herself

We see the healing going on and are so happy to be here in our home. There are simple joys watching the birds and squirrels, looking at your yard, seeing the trees swaying in the breeze,etc.

Quiet peaceful refuge. Familiar surrounds.Home!

We are so greatful!



  1. What a great week!! We are praying for many, many more!

  2. Dear Deb and Vern:

    I am so praying for you both that you have many many more good weeks like this. I have been following your blog, and I think that it is wonderful that you can share and that you have such a wonderful support group.

    Love in Christ, Deborah Cook
