Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday morning

Two big events: first shower and first time in church in months! Bet you didn't appreciate your's as much as Deb did!

Deb is still very weak and was concerned about going to church. I parked at the front door and we sat at the back. A number of folks saw me and asked about how Deb was. I would point at her and suddenly they would realize that was her in her orange as-yet-un-named blingy hat. The Lord blessed us with four special blessings+ :

1-A guest musician from Chicago sang a praise song about how faithful our God is to care for us: we were punching one another with each verse because the singer was describing how God had cared for each of our needs so perfectly! We could truly enter into the worship!

2-The message today was from the middle chapter of Acts (15,16,17)and described how Paul, and others learned that our plans sometimes do not work out as we want or think they should because the Lord has another better plan. Christians must be flexible if they truly follow Jesus. Often times we will not understand why things are harder, less successful, under opposition,etc. That's all part of molding and shaping us into the image of Jesus. It's having the mind of Christ!

3-The standing ovation welcome everyone gave us! Deb just did not have the strength to personally greet each one of our friends.

4-The church has a shared garden space on some of the back property. As we were getting into the car to leave, friends gave us a large bag of veggies which are to be our lunch and supper today! I'm working hard to feed Deb fresh organic as much as we can.

Blessings all!



  1. It was so great to see you both in church today! Deb, you looked fantastic. Actually, I did a double take when I first glimpsed the orange hat when I realized it was you underneath it!! I wanted to speak to you after the service, but you made a quiet exit. Totally understand and concerned you would be bombarded with so many people wanting to see you. I was going to tell Vern what an excellent blogger he is as well. Cassy said you were not requesting any sitters for this week, but I told her again if I could do anything for you, I would consider it an honor.
    When Gary was sharing about Bruce and Betsy and the influence they have made on others, I thought of something you told me back my my girls were little and Amanda babysat for them. You gave me a great definition of obedience that I often quoted with the girls. True obedience must be immediate, complete and cheerful. Now I apply it to myself!!
    Soak up the peacefulness and comfort of being home again.

    Blessings, Cindy Tucker

  2. Amazing how renewing just a few semi-"normal" days can be.
    So glad y'all are home for a bit and building up strength through God, worship, friends, good food and sleep - that carries you a LONG way!
    Had fun hanging with your daughter today. We walked all over Scott's Antique Market... next time we go we will be pushing a baby stroller! :) Baby girl is almost here.

  3. WOO HOO! Glad to hear the news! Prayers are being answered! Thank you for the update!

    Barbara (and John) Voss

  4. Welcome home!
    Kristin Wagoner
