Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saturday evening

It's been a quiet peaceful day in our quiet home. After spending a month in a small one- bedroom place we feel like our house is a huge castle. FOUR burners on the stove AND an oven! Counter space galore!

Deb slept again in our bed last night without the 3'x3'x12" angled pillow. FLAT! First time in many months.It seems that the back repairs are healing and Deb is much more comfy. She has been motivating around the house. She is still very tired and we have to remember the prescription-REST.

Amanda spent several hours here and has a July 19th due date. Guess where Deb and I will be July 19th?

While I ran errands Amanda and Deb had a Skype video conference with Evelyn, Katka, and Trey.




  1. Deb i left a message on your phone. Don't know if you got it. WELCOME HOME. I will call Sunday or Monday and say HI
    Love Ya

  2. Your post sure made me look at home with much more appreciation. We will continue to pray for much needed rest for the both of you. Love, Y
